The GameDev Business Handbook - Hardcover (Includes Digital Edition)
is an instructional guide for creating and sustaining your independent video game studio.
It features interviews with more than 25 prominent members of the industry, including Vlambeer’s Rami Ismail, Capybara Games’ Nathan Vella, Romero Games’ Brenda Romero, video game attorney Ryan Morrison, Klei Entertainment’s Jamie Cheng, Supergiant Games’ Amir Rao, Harebrained Schemes’ Jordan Weisman, and Ninja Theory’s Nina Kristensen.
The features expert guidance and in-the-trenches anecdotes on budgeting and finance (complete with downloadable worksheets), incorporation, contracts and employment, intellectual property, press and public relations, and more.
If you’re considering crowdfunding, early access, or pursuing a licensed property, can help steer you toward success. The book features success stories and cautionary tales, with advice from those who have been where you want to go.
Note: The digital version of The GameDev Business Handbook will be available via the Gumroad Library app for iOS and Android. You can also read it on desktop and a number of other e-readers.